Our approach

Our operating model is distinctively designed to fit the evolving needs of retailers.

Do it for me

Manage my entire retail marketing cloud. Plan & activate my retail media

Run this part for me

Execute a specific part of my retail marketing cloud or retail media activity

Enable me

Transform my retail marketing cloud approach, design solutions and enable me to run them

Partner with me

Collaborate on my retail marketing cloud & retail media activation

No retailer is the same.

Every retailer has their own distinctive place in the market, their own plan for growth and their own RMN goals. For these reasons GIG Retail does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution.

GIG provide a tailored approach to retail media designed around the specific needs of the retailer and our understanding of their retail media potential.

A partnership with GIG Retail can offer a modular approach to the areas in which a retailer wants or needs our help, right through to the full service, end-to-end running of a retail media network.

GIG Retail are platform and partner agnostic

GIG are not affiliated to, or contractually bound to any third party technology or platform provider. Whilst we have past or current working relationships with many tech partners, we will always choose the best solution to a retailer’s specific needs.

Ambitious, yet realistic

We have a long history of over-delivering for our clients and we know how to build and implement an ambitious strategy for growth. It is important to be realistic though - retail media is famously complex and whilst we are adept at the heavy lifting, there can be cost implications for the retailer. Our experience should reassure that the costs associated with growth will be a short-term issue, rapidly off-set by high-margin, net new revenue.

GIG will accelerate the growth of your retail media network - the question is, how fast do you want to go?

Let’s Collaborate